zitate weg

zitate weg

zitate weg
Das Geld zieht nur den Eigennutz an und verf?hrt stets unwiderstehlich zum Missbrauch. *Albert Einstein*
zitate weg
Seien Sie vorsichtig mit Gesundheitsb?chern - Sie k?nnten an einem Druckfehler sterben. *Mark Twain*
Der Schwache kann nicht verzeihen. Verzeihen ist eine Eigenschaft des Starken. *Mahatma Gandhi*
Man braucht zwei Jahre um sprechen zu lernen und f?nfzig, um schweigen zu lernen. *Ernest Hemingway*
Die Liebe ist doof. Sie vergisst immer mich zum Spielen einzuladen und ich darf nur zugucken.
Everyone can practise non-violence, it only calls for determination. If you succeed, it will open the way to a far more peaceful world.
We can solve many problems in an appropriate way, without any difficulty, if we cultivate harmony, friendship and respect for one another.
I believe that our every act has a universal dimension.
A perfect relationship isn't perfect, it's just that both people never give up.
Always listen to your heart, because even though it's on your left side... it's always right.
Be thankful you're still breathing, because someone out there just took their last breath.
Break-ups aren't always meant for make-ups, sometimes they're meant for wake-ups.
Dear SCHOOL, I'm tired of waking up early in the morning, I need more sleep.
Don't come into my life unless you want to stay.
Don't play hard to get, play hard to forget.
Every girl deserves a guy who takes her out on a date, and not touch her anywhere but her heart.
Find strength through every struggle, because the things you have been through have made you the person you are today.
God may not deliver us from our problems but He will give us the strength to go through them.
hope I cross your mind once in a while just so that I won't feel pathetic for thinking of you all the time.
i don't care how complicated this gets, i still want you
I got 99 problems and school tomorrow is 98 of them.
I just want straight teeth

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