zitate deutsch

zitate deutsch

zitate deutsch
Viele Menschen w?rden eher sterben als denken. Und in der Tat: Sie tun es. *Bertrand Russell*
zitate deutsch
Wir leben alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber wir haben nicht alle den gleichen Horizont. *Konrad Adenauer*
Feig, wirklich feig ist nur, wer sich vor seinen Erinnnerungen f?rchtet. *Elias Canetti*
Fantasie haben hei?t nicht, sich etwas auszudenken, es hei?t, sich aus den Dingen etwas zu machen. *Thomas Mann*
Wei?t du, was das Beste an der ersten Liebe ist? - Es ist die erste von vielen.
Training the mind is the source of inner peace.?
As well as restraining ourselves from negative thoughts and emotions, we need to cultivate and reinforce our positive qualities.
As idealistic as it may sound, altruism, not just competition and the desire for wealth, should be a driving force in business.
A true relationship is someone who accepts your past, supports your present, loves you and encourages your future.
At some point you just have to let go, move on.. it's the only way we grow.
Being in a relationship is not about kissing, dates or showing off. It's about being with the person who makes you happy.
Count your blessings.
Do you ever lay in bed and crave someones arms around you but like its not gonna happen so you want to explode?
Don't judge me, you only see what I choose to show you.
Don't waste your time on revenge. Those who hurt you will eventually face their own karma.
Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is that you learn from them and don't repeat them.
Friendships is where you can mess around and play fight and tease each other and being an idiot together yet still enjoy everything together
Haters are sometimes people who can't understand why everybody loves you.
I automatically say "shit" when something wrong happens.
I don't regret my past, I just regret the time I've wasted with the wrong people!
I hate that I miss you. I hate that you forgot about me. I hate that you don't want me. I hate that I still care about you.
I love it when someone's laugh is funnier than the joke.

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