zitate zukunft

zitate zukunft

zitate zukunft
Richtig verheiratet ist der Mann erst dann, wenn er jedes Wort versteht, das seine Frau nicht gesagt hat. *Alfred Hitchcock*
zitate zukunft
Man kann die Erfahrung nicht fr?h genug machen, wie entbehrlich man in der Welt ist. *Johann Wolfgang von Goethe*
Den ungerechtesten Frieden finde ich immer noch besser als den gerechtesten Krieg. *Marcus Tullius Cicero*
Und sollte ich vergessen haben, jemanden zu beschimpfen, dann bitte ich um Verzeihung! *Johannes Brahms*
Liebe ist schon so ein gro?es Ding, das man immer mitschleppen muss.
Forgiveness is how we put a stop to anger, ill-will and a desire for revenge.
It seems wrong to think kindness is exclusively the business of religion; something to be neglected if one isn?t interested in spirituality.
Despite philosophical differences, all major world religions have the same potential to create good human beings.
A real relationship. Has fights. Has trust. Has faith. Has tears. Has hurt. Has laughter. Has weird, stupid, unnecessary arguments.
Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn't change the heart of others, it only changes yours.
Beauty isn?t about having a pretty face. It?s about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and a pretty soul.
Care too little, you will lose them. Care too much, you will get hurt.
Did you know if you yell "bloody marry" 3 times in the mirror at 3am your mom will show up and tell you to shut up and go to bed.
Don't expect everything to be perfect all the time. If things always went according to plan, life wouldn't be interesting.
Don't say you miss me when its your fault im gone.
Every time I say How are you? My head says I miss you. Everytime I say Take care My heart whispers I love you.
Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason why it will.
Guy sweatpants are 1000x better than girl sweatpants.
Hurt me with the truth, don't comfort me with a lie.
I don't have a boyfriend who gives me his jacket when I'm cold, but I have one who will hug me.
I hate how people who deserve nothing, are handed everything.
I know you're not the best person in the world but still I love you for who you are.

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