malcolm x zitate

malcolm x zitate

malcolm x zitate
Suche nicht andere, sondern dich selbst zu ?bertreffen. *Marcus Tullius Cicero*
malcolm x zitate
Man kann niemanden ?berholen, wenn man in seine Fu?stapfen tritt. *Francois Truffaut*
Wenn der Wind des Wandels weht, bauen die Einen Schutzmauern, die Anderen bauen Windm?hlen. *chin. Weisheit*
Alles was du sagst, sollte wahr sein. Aber nicht alles was wahr ist, solltest du auch sagen. *Voltaire*
das gesicht der liebe ist ein standbild in nahaufnahme.
Only tolerance and patience can protect us from the destructive effects of anger and hatred.
Affection, honesty, harmony and non-violence are qualities that yield happiness for individuals, families and society at large.
Through kindness, affection, honesty, truth and justice toward all others we ensure our own benefit ? this is a matter of common sense.
A perfect relationship isn't actually perfect at all, it consists of two people who NEVER give up on each other despite any hurt or pain.
Always know the difference between what you're getting, and what you deserve.
Be thankful your still breathing, because someone out there just took their last breath.
Breakups are hard but breaking into pieces is worse. Keeping yourself whole is the first step to healing.
Dear school, I'm tired and I just need some fun for a while.
Don't come into my life unless you planned to stay.
Don't over-think things. Go with the flow. See where it takes you. Love is unpredictable, you know.
Every girl deserves a guy who looks at her everyday like its the first time he saw her.
Find somoene who know that you're not perfect but treats you as if you are ??
God made you. God made me. He looked at us and said it was meant to be.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, expect nothing, and you'll never get hurt.
I don't care how attractive you are. If your personality is ugly, so are you.
I got 99 problems and school is every single one.
i just want someone who actually gives a shit about me and treats me like i matter for more than a few months

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