zitate sommer
Thursday, September 3, 2015
zitate sommer
zitate sommer Die Gesellschaft ist eine Welle. Sie selbst bewegt sich vorw?rts, nicht aber das Wasser, woraus sie besteht. *Ralph Waldo Emerson* zitate sommer Die Ber?hmtheit mancher Zeitgenossen h?ngt mit der Bl?dheit der Bewunderer zusammen. *Heiner Gei?ler* Jeder Tag, an dem du nicht l?chelst, ist ein verlorener Tag. *Charlie Chaplin* Das Schicksal ereilt uns oft auf den Wegen, die man eingeschlagen hat, um ihm zu entgehen. *Jean de La Fontaine* Liebe ist tiefer als man jemals graben k?nnte. Anger destroys our peace of mind and causes trouble. It also hampers our ability to function properly. All good qualities must be sown and cultivated. We can?t expect to change overnight from an ordinary person into one with high realizations. If we continue to approach problems from the perspective of temporary expediency, future generations will face tremendous difficulties. A relationship doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be real. Any male can make promises but only a real MAN can keep them. Because of you, half the time I don't even know I'm smiling. Care too much, you'll get hurt. Care too little, you'll lose them. didn't know about no.5! ???? Don't expect to receive if you're not willing to give. Don't sit around and try to change your past, when you have your entire future to look forward to. Every time I trust somebody, they show me why I shouldn't. Forget about what hurt you, but never forget about what it taught you. Guys have no idea how long something they've said can stay on a girl?s mind. I accepted the fact that you'll never change so you need to accept the fact that I'm not always going to be here. I don't have goals. Goals are for soccer. I am not soccer. I hate it when I can't stop thinking about that one person, and deep down inside I know they probably haven't thought about me once. I like conversations where I don't have to think about what to say, it just comes naturally.
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