zitate net
Thursday, September 3, 2015
zitate net
zitate net Die Unwissenheit kommt der Wahrheit n?her als das Vorurteil. *Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin* zitate net Keine Festung ist so stark, dass Geld sie nicht einnehmen kann. *Marcus Tullius Cicero* Wer sich selbst treu bleiben will, kann nicht immer anderen treu bleiben. *Christian Morgenstern* Gute Erziehung besteht darin, dass man verbirgt, wieviel man von sich selber h?lt und wie wenig von den anderen. *Jean Cocteau* Liebe ist ein Witz und ich glaube nur Gott versteht die Pointe. Since we are increasingly interdependent it's time to develop a sense of global responsibility, to help each other and promote human values. We must work to resolve conflicts in a spirit of reconciliation and always keep others' interests in mind. The most compassionate form of giving is done with no thought or expectation of reward, and grounded in genuine concern for others. A real boyfriend: Calls you for nothing, texts you all the time, wants to see you, cries,gets jealous,is overprotective and loves you. Always trust your heart, because even though it's on your left, it's always right. Be with someone who won?t stay mad at you, who can?t stand not talking to you, and who?s afraid of losing you. Can I just hug you forever? Dear Weekend, I love you please don't leave me so fast. Don't even bother lying me, i find out everything. Don't rush on anything. When the time is right, it'll happen. Every phone should have the same charger. ReTweet if you agree! :) For every broken heart there is someone out there to help you mend it, believe that even though the clouds are out, the sun will rise again. Good things never come easy. You know you have something good when it was hard to get. How to keep a girl: 1) Keep your promises. 2) Be romantic no matter what. 3) Be honest with her 100% of the time. I don't forgive people because I am weak. I forgive them because I am strong enough to know people make mistakes. I hate fighting with the one person I want to talk with the most. I know everything happens for a reason? but sometimes I wish I knew what those reasons were.
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