zitate zum geburtstag

zitate zum geburtstag

zitate zum geburtstag
Zukunft: die Ausrede all jener, die in der Gegenwart nichts tun wollen. *Harold Pinter*
zitate zum geburtstag
Der Neid ist die aufrichtigste Form der Anerkennung. *Wilhelm Busch*
Unsere ?u?eren Schicksale interessieren die Menschen, die inneren nur den Freund. *Heinrich von Kleist*
Wem genug zu wenig ist, dem ist nichts genug. *Epikur von Samos*
Liebe ist - mit dem Herzen zu denken.
You can't buy inner peace or wisdom with money. You have to create them within yourself.
Generate great compassion, and you become a friend to the world.
We find that patience is the best means we have of defending ourselves internally from anger's destructive effects.
A positive attitude will lead to positive outcomes.
Always respect other people's feelings.
Be willing to take a chance, because you never know how perfect something could turn out to be.
By becoming kinder, we might end up discovering that we have given ourselves the best, the most intelligently selfish gift.
Dear Someone, Without your texts, my phone feels so empty.
Don't cry for someone who doesn't deserve your tears!
Don't punish your "next" for what your "ex" did.
Every girl wishes for someone that understands them so well.
Follow my personal IG: YnnahBonina ?? I?ll follow you back!
Good looks attract the eyes. A good personality attracts the heart.
How do you know when it's time to stop following your heart? Maybe when you have been hurt enough that there's no piece left to break.
I don't care what we do, just as long as we're together.
I hate being in fight with my parents but sometimes they just don't understand me.
I just want you to know that, if I were him, I'd never let you go.

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