zitate sport

zitate sport

zitate sport
Mensch: das Lebewesen, das die Zeit totschl?gt, bis sie sich revanchiert. *Anonym*
zitate sport
Ein Kuss ist eine Sache, f?r die man beide H?nde braucht. *Mark Twain*
Enten legen ihre Eier in Stille. H?hner gackern dabei wie verr?ckt. Was ist die Folge? Alle Welt isst H?hnereier. *Henry Ford*
Die gro?e St?rke der Narren ist es, dass sie keine Angst haben, Dummheiten zu sagen. *Jean Cocteau*
Liebe ist, wenn man nach Pferd stinkt und trotzdem herzlich umarmt wird.
We live in a world in which we are dependent on others; we cannot expect to fulfil our goals while disregarding others? needs.
Compassion and love constitute non-violence in action.
Finding common ground among faiths can help us bridge needless divides at a time when unified action is more crucial than ever.
A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks.
As long as you're still the same person I fell for, my feelings won't ever change.
Being addicted to texting someone... then they suddenly stop replying, & you find yourself checking your phone constantly.
Claim your girl, Love your girl , Spoil your girl , Be faithful to your girl , Trust your girl , and she will STAY your girl.
Do the best you can with what you have.
Don't give up on yourself. It's easier than you think to be happy.
Don't trust too much. Don't love too much. Don't hope too much. Because that too much can hurt you so much.
Everyone has a secret.
Friday + Weekend Tommorow = HAPPINESS.
Happy Father's Day to all your dad/papa/daddys out there!
I am not single and I am not committed, I am simply on Reserve, for the one who deserve ;)
I don't miss you, I miss who I thought you were.
I hate myself for still caring about you while you don't even give a shit about me.
I love boys with cute smiles.

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