zitate freiheit

zitate freiheit

zitate freiheit
Der gesunde Menschenverstand ist nur eine Anh?ufung von Vorurteilen, die man bis zum 18. Lebensjahr erworben hat. *Albert Einstein*
zitate freiheit
Nicht den Tod sollte man f?rchten, sondern dass man nie beginnen wird, zu leben. *Marcus Aurelius*
Die Welt hat genug f?r jedermanns Bed?rfnisse, aber nicht f?r jedermanns Gier. *Mahatma Gandhi*
Alles ist Kampf, Ringen. Nur der verdient die Liebe und das Leben, der t?glich sie erobern muss. *Johann Wolfgang von Goethe*
liebe ist relativ, vodka absolut.
In order to derive the maximum benefit the wise thing is to take care of others.
Meet hostility and suspicion with kindness. Helping others out of love is always the best option.
Wherever I go, I always give the advice to be altruistic and kind to others.
A real relationship will make it through anything.
Anger won't make your problems easier. Tears won't bring back what is gone. But smile, and gratitude will make you stronger.
Beauty is not measured by the amount of makeup on your skin or the price of the clothes you're wearing, beauty is whats inside.
Care too little .. You'll lose them. Care too much .. you'll get hurt.
Did you ever wish you could die, but be alive at your funeral. Just to see who would be there, just to see who would cry.
Don't ever worry about people who don't worry about you.
Don't say you love someone if you don't. Don't make promises you can't keep. Don't bother if you never really cared.
Every time I look into your eyes, it makes me want to kiss you.
Forever thinking you need to start running but never actually going.
Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change.
Hurt is part of life. There's always a time when you get hurt, but you should learn from it so you can be a stronger person.
i dont have a "type" i just know what i like
I hate how Monday is so far away from Friday, yet Friday is so damn close to monday.
I know you won?t always be there for me but you know I?ll always be there for you.

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