zitate erfolg
Thursday, September 3, 2015
zitate erfolg
zitate erfolg Die meisten Menschen wollen lieber durch Lob ruiniert als durch Kritik gerettet werden. *Amerikanische Redensart* zitate erfolg Am meisten f?hlt man sich von der Wahrheit getroffen, die man sich selbst verheimlichen wollte. *Friedl Beutelrock* Ein halbleeres Glas Wein ist zwar zugleich ein halbvolles, aber eine halbe L?ge mitnichten eine halbe Wahrheit. *Jean Cocteau* Unkraut w?chst in zwei Monaten, eine rote Rose braucht daf?r ein ganzes Jahr. *Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi* Liebe ist ... wenn der Duft seines Kissens sie zum Tr?umen bringt. In order to exercise creativity, freedom of thought is essential. Happiness comes through taming the mind; without taming the mind there is no way to be happy. Anger, jealousy, impatience, and hatred are the real troublemakers, with them problems cannot be solved. A real boyfriend and girlfriend stand by each others side on good days and stands even closer on bad days no matter what. Always tell someone how you feel about them, you will feel much better when they know it. Be with someone who brings out the best in you. Call it old fashioned, but I still think it's cute when someone writes you a love letter. ?? Dear stomach, you're just bored, but not hungry. Sincerely, I'm getting fat. Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful. Don't put your happiness in the hands of someone else, because in the end, you're the one who decides if you are happy or not. Every guy should make sure his girl knows she's beautiful, wanted, and loved. Follow us on IG: TheseDamnQuote ?? I?ll follow you back. Tweet me if you did! Good relationships don?t just happen; they take time, patience and two people who truly want to work to be together. How I use my phone: 50% to check the internet 20% to text 15% to take photos 10% check the time 5% to actually call I don't care whether you're white, black, short, tall, skinny or fat. If you respect me, I'll respect you. I hate being the one who always cares about other people's feelings, sometimes I just need someone who can also understand and care for me. I keep a lot of shit to myself because in reality nobody really gives a fuck.
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