zitate alter

zitate alter

zitate alter
Das Sch?nste, was wir erleben k?nnen, ist das Geheimnisvolle. *Albert Einstein*
zitate alter
Mein Vater pflegte zu sagen: Sprich nicht lauter, argumentiere weiser. *Desmond Mpilo Tutu*
Anpassung ist die St?rke der Schwachen. *Wolfgang Herbst*
Nur wer seinen eigenen Weg geht, kann von niemandem ?berholt werden. *Marlon Brando*
Liebe ist, wenn dich dein bester Freund mit einem betrunken Anruf aus der REM-Phase rei?t und du trotzdem zu h?rst.
Serving and helping others out of compassion is non-violence in action.
Taking care of our neighbors? interests is essentially taking care of our own future.
A sense of contentment is a key factor for attaining happiness.
A relationship with no trust is like a car with no gas. You can stay in it, but it won't go anywhere.
Apology accepted, trust denied.
Before you pray: BELIEVE
Chase the storm and live on the clouds.
Do a good job. You don't have to worry about the money. It will take care of itself. Just do your best work. ? Walt Disney
Don't forget to pray today, because God didn't forget to wake you up this morning.
Don't talk, act. Don't say, show. Don't promise, prove.
Everybody needs just a little love, lots of hope and unshakable faith.
Forgive those who insult you, attack you or take you for granted. But more than that, forgive yourself for allowing them to hurt you.
Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and offer thanks for all the troubles we don't have. Life is a gift.
I always wonder if you're smiling at my texts the way I'm smiling at yours.
I don't know what it is about you But I like you.
I hate it when people flirt with the person I like. ??
I like you. #threewords

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