zitate kleiner prinz
Thursday, September 3, 2015
zitate kleiner prinz
zitate kleiner prinz Das Denken ist zwar allen Menschen erlaubt, aber vielen bleibt es erspart. *Curt Goetz* zitate kleiner prinz Intelligenz ist die F?higkeit, seine Umgebung zu akzeptieren. *William Faulkner* Reue ist Verstand, der zu sp?t kommt. *Ernst Freiherr von Feuchtersleben* Genau die Kraft, die gefehlt hat, um einen Sieg zu erringen braucht man, um eine Niederlage zu verkraften. *Ernst R. Hauschka* Liebe ist, wenn sich am Ende beide entschuldigen, weil keiner mehr wei?, wer eigentlich Schuld hatte. Compassion brings peace of mind and with it better health; so cherish compassion. The ultimate source of a happy life is the attention we pay to our inner values. If we are truly concerned about the environment, we must think not only for this generation, but for future generations as well. A special smile. A special face. A special someone I can't replace. A love so true. A love so deep. You're the one I chose to keep. As much as you want to move on, there is a part of you that just don't want to let go. Being called babe is such a good feeling. Cold weather is the perfect excuse for cuddling. Do what is right, not what is easy. Don't give up what you want most, for what you want now. Don't try so hard to get my attention because babe you surely don't deserve it. Everyone has a story, no matter how beautiful the cover may be. There's always going to be a chapter in there that breaks your heart. FRIEND = Fully Reliable In Each New Difficulty. Happy feelings will attract more happy circumstances. I am proud to say that I have never been the anonymous person telling people they're ugly, fat, or to go die. I don't miss you. I miss the laughs. The smiles. The good times. The way things were. I hate opening a text that I know is going to make my heart drop. I love everything about you, especially when you smile and laugh with me.
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