zitate dalai lama

zitate dalai lama

zitate dalai lama
F?r ein gutes Gespr?ch sind die Pausen genauso wichtig wie die Worte. *Heimito von Doderer*
zitate dalai lama
Reich sind nur die, die wahre Freunde haben. *Thomas Fuller*
Nichts ist schrecklicher als ein Lehrer, der nicht mehr wei? als das, was die Sch?ler wissen sollen. *Johann Wolfgang von Goethe*
Eine Mutter ist der einzige Mensch auf der Welt, der dich schon liebt, bevor er dich kennt. *Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi*
Liebe ist, heimlich die Heizung runterzudrehen, damit der Mann aufgrund der fr?steligen Atmosph?re im Haus einfeuern kann.
When we develop care and concern by thinking of others not as ?them? but ?us?, there is no room for bullying, exploitation or deceit.
Compassion is a deep desire to see others relieved of suffering; love is the other facet, a strong wish to see others happy.
The only factor that can give protection from the destructive effects of anger and hatred is the practice of tolerance and patience.
A relationship where you both are afraid to lose each other >>>
Anyone can make you happy, by doing something special; but only someone special can make you happy without doing anything.
Before the Internet and Google what did people do when they had a really stupid question?
Catching the heart of a man is easy, keeping him faithful is the real challenge.
Distance doesn't matter if two hearts are loyal to each other.
Don't feel sad over someone who gave up on you, feel sorry for them because they gave up on someone who would have never given up on them.
Don't stress over something you can't change.
Everybody deserves second chances, but not for the same mistakes.
Forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you.
I almost wish we never met.
I don't know how to say it, I'm not good at words but if you just stop and listen, you'll hear my heart saying "I love you."
I hate it when I see people flirt with the person I like.
I like texts with long replies. It makes me feel special, as if they actually want to talk to me.

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