zitate abschied

zitate abschied

zitate abschied
Wer einen Fehler gemacht hat und ihn nicht korrigiert, begeht einen zweiten. *Konfuzius*
zitate abschied
An Klischees ist immer etwas Wahres dran. *Dr. Gregory House*
Ehe: gegenseitige Freiheitsberaubung im beiderseitigen Einvernehmen. *Oscar Wilde*
Darin besteht die Liebe: Dass sich zwei Einsame besch?tzen und ber?hren und miteinander reden. *Rainer Maria Rilke*
Liebe ist ... Helmut Schmidt den Aschenbecher zu leeren.
No matter what our motivation may be, if we are not realistic we will not fulfil our goal.
The practice of altruism is the authentic way of living a human life; it is not limited only to the religious.
The more we truly desire to benefit others, the more strength and confidence we develop and the deeper the peace and happiness we experience
A real boy makes sure his girl knows she's the one and only.
Always take care of the people who have always been there for you. Without the help of the people closest to you, you would be nothing.
Be with someone who brings out the best in you, not the stress in you.
Call her beautiful, not hot. She's a woman, not a temperature.
Dear Someone, You're my happy place, so please just stay in my life.
Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present & make it beautiful.
Don't put a limit on anything for yourself. The bigger you dream, the farther you will go.
Every guy isn't the same, so just because you've been hurt by one, doesn't mean you have to punish the whole world.
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Good morning texts. Kisses on the forehead. Long goodbyes. Tight hugs. Holding hands. Silence that isn't awkward. Waking up beside you.
How I flirt: I don't.
I don't care where I am, as long as I'm with you.
I hate being jealous when I knowI hate being jealous when I know I shouldn?t be. I shouldn?t be.
I just wish you'd start a conversation with me because whenever I start it, I feel like I'm annoying.

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