zitate bildung
Thursday, September 3, 2015
zitate bildung
zitate bildung Durch die Leidenschaften lebt der Mensch, durch die Vernunft existiert er blo?. *Nicolas Chamfort* zitate bildung Das Gewissen ist die Wunde, die nie heilt und an der keiner stirbt. *Friedrich Hebbel* F?r den gl?ubigen Menschen steht Gott am Anfang, f?r den Wissenschaftler am Ende aller seiner ?berlegungen. *Max Planck* Zeitverschwendung ist die leichteste aller Verschwendungen. *Henry Ford* liebe ist, wenn du dir vorstellen kannst mit dieser person zusammen die welt zu verlassen... It?s unrealistic to think that the future of humanity can be achieved only on the basis of prayer, what we need is to take action. The world's major religious traditions all give the development of compassion a key role. Love and compassion open our own inner life, reducing stress, distrust and loneliness. A simple "bye" can make us cry, a simple "joke" can make us laugh and a simple "care" can make us fall in love. Appreciate those who love you. Help those who need you. Forgive those who hurt you. Forget those who leave you Begin to live as though your prayers are already answered. Cheating on a girl that was good to you doesn't mean you have swag or you're a badass, it makes you ignorant and dumb. Do it now, because Sometimes become Never. Don't get too cocky. Life will always find a way to humble you. Don't tell me you care when I'm the one who always ask about you. Everyday is a new day. Another chance. Another opportunity to get things right. To try again. Don't give up. Forgiving another person helps you more than them. Happiness is an effect of doing what you love, not an end goal to be achieved. I am a hopeless romantic. I don't know where I stand in peoples lives. One minute they treat me like the most important person to them then like I'm nothing to them. I hate it when school is making me feel tired all the time. I live in a cruel world where humans don't exist. Everyone's heart is tainted with hatred and scars.
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