zitate von albert einstein

zitate von albert einstein

zitate von albert einstein
Anerkennung ist ein Pflanze, die vorwiegend auf Gr?bern w?chst. *Robert Lembke*
zitate von albert einstein
Als Kind ist jeder ein K?nstler. Die Schwierigkeit liegt darin, als Erwachsener einer zu bleiben. *Pablo Picasso*
Nur wer etwas leistet, kann sich etwas leisten. *Michail Gorbatschow*
Zyniker: ein Mensch, der die Dinge so sieht, wie sie sind, und nicht, wie sie sein sollten. *Ambrose Bierce*
Liebe ist, wenn man den Bauch nicht einziehen muss.
To make this a century of dialogue we need to find ways to promote a greater awareness of the oneness of humanity.
Rather than working only to acquire wealth, we need to focus on the welfare of humanity as a whole.
When we act under the influence of negative thoughts and emotions, we become oblivious to the impact our actions have on others.
A smile doesn't always mean a person is happy. Sometimes it simply means they are strong enough to face their own problems.
Arguments drag out because one is too stubborn to forgive and the other is too proud to apologize.
Behind you is infinite power, before you is endless possibility, around you is boundless opportunity.
Choose your words carefully. They may come back to destroy you.
Do not worry about why everyone is talking about you, or looking at you. Be free, live life how you want to live your life.
Don't give up on the people you love. Your patience and faithfulness may be exactly what they need to make a complete turnaround.
Don't trust anyone until they can prove to you that they can be trusted.
Everyone deserves a person that can make their heart forget that it was ever broken.
Four words that I never want to hear: There is no food.
Happiness starts with, one word, one joke, one text, one phone call, one song, one hug, one kiss... and stops with one mistake.
I am not an option, I am a priority.
I don't miss you I don't miss you I don't miss you I don't miss you I don't miss you who am I kidding, I miss you like crazy.
I hate losing friends just because they got into a relationship.
I love all the stars in the sky, but there are no ones compared to the ones in your eyes.

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