zitate vermissen

zitate vermissen

zitate vermissen
Zukunft: die Zeit, von der man spricht, wenn man in der Gegenwart mit einem Problem nicht fertig wird. *Walter Hesselbach*
zitate vermissen
Der G?tige ist frei, auch wenn er ein Sklave ist. Der B?se ist ein Sklave, auch wenn er ein K?nig ist. *Augustinus Aurelius*
Die meisten Menschen sind bereit zu lernen, aber nur die wenigsten, sich belehren zu lassen. *Winston Churchill*
Man braucht nichts im Leben zu f?rchten, man muss nur alles verstehen. *Marie Curie*
Liebe ist, DMs aus Versehen in die Timeline und SMS an falsche Empf?nger zu schicken.
Despite the superficial differences between us, we need to have a sense that all 7 billion human beings belong to one human family.
The practice of cultivating altruism has a beneficial effect not only from a religious point of view but also from a mundane point of view.
True compassion is not just an emotional response, but a firm commitment founded on reason.
A relationship where tickling and fighting always turns into kissing.
Anyone can make you happy by doing something sweet but only someone special can make you happy without doing anything.
Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason.
Catching my attention is easy, keeping my interest is harder.
Disney should make a hairless princess, so little girls with cancer can feel beautiful, as well.
Don't feel bad for making decisions that upset other people. You're not responsible for their happiness, you're responsible for yours.
Don't stress over people that don't even deserve to be an issue in your life.
Every year, I realize how stupid I was the year before.
Forget what hurt you in the past, but never forget what it taught you.
H.O.P.E = Hold on. Pain ends.
I admit, I really miss how things used to be. But I can also admit, that I've accepted the fact that things have changed.
I don't know how people can fake whole relationships... I can't even fake a "hello" to somebody I don't like.
I hate it when I meow at cats and they don't meow back. Unbelievably rude.
I like pretend that every thing's alright sometimes. Because when everyone else think you're fine, for a little while you forget you're not.

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