zitate goethe
Thursday, September 3, 2015
zitate goethe
zitate goethe Toleranz ist der Verdacht, dass der andere Recht hat. *Kurt Tucholsky* zitate goethe Ich bin der Wahrheit verpflichtet, wie ich sie jeden Tag erkenne, und nicht der Best?ndigkeit. *Mahatma Gandhi* Willst du dich am Ganzen erquicken, so musst du das Ganze im Kleinsten erblicken. *Johann Wolfgang von Goethe* Wir untersch?tzen das, was wir haben und ?bersch?tzen das, was wir sind. *Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach* Liebe ist nicht die Summe von ?bereinstimmungen. As human beings, we have a common responsibility to build a more peaceful society. if we try to secure the well-being of others, we will, at the same time, create the conditions for our own. We do not need to reflect too long before we realize that all beings spontaneously look for happiness and try to avoid suffering. A real man never stops trying to show a girl how much she means to him, even after he's got her. And I still remember the first day I met you. Beauty attracts the eye but personality captures the heart. Can't wait for that day where I can book a one-way ticket, pack my back and get ready for an adventure, leaving everything behind. Definition of Stupid: Knowing the truth, seeing the truth, but still believing the lies. Don't ever love anything too much, it will just end up disappointing you. Don't say things you don't mean. Every story has an ending, but in life every ending is just a new beginning. For the sake of love, hold your hands up and admit your mistakes, then others will be able to love the true you. Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. Hug harder, laugh louder, smile bigger, love longer. ?? I don't hate you. I just can't find any reason to like you. I hate how after an argument I think of more clever shit I should have said. I know it's stupid, but I still secretly hope that one day you will like me.
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