zitate aus filmen

zitate aus filmen

zitate aus filmen
Mitleid bekommt man geschenkt, Neid muss man sich verdienen. *Robert Lembke*
zitate aus filmen
Es gibt Wichtigeres im Leben, als best?ndig dessen Geschwindigkeit zu erh?hen. *Mahatma Gandhi*
Das Wichtigste ist, dass man als Erster eine Idee hat und sie mit Leidenschaft umsetzt. *Luciano Benetton*
Kinder erleben nichts so scharf und bitter wie Ungerechtigkeit. *Charles Dickens*
Liebe ist, wenn allein schon seine N?he f?r dich einer Akkustation gleicht.
Human happiness depends on taking others into account.
If we want spiritual development, the practice of patience is essential.
Harmony among the major faiths has become an essential ingredient of peaceful coexistence in our world.
A relationship where you instantly miss each other right after being together.
Apologies are getting way too overused, sorry has no meaning nowadays.
Before you assume, try asking.
Change should be expected and embraced, because it can't be stopped.
Distance means nothing when someone means everything.
Don't find reasons to stay with someone who always finds a reason to leave.
Don't suggest me on to try things out with someone else, when you know the one I want is you.
Everybody has gone through something that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were.
Forgive but don't forget, otherwise you might make the same mistake again.
Happiness can't be bought. It would be way too expensive. You have to make your own.
I ALWAYS regret leaving my phone on "silent" when I can't find it."
I don't know if you just "don't have time" to talk to me or you just don't want to.
I hate it when my friends make me laugh when I'm in the middle of doing something infront of class.
I like to listen to sad music when I?m sad to make me double sad.

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