zitate zur geburt

zitate zur geburt

zitate zur geburt
Meine P?nktlichkeit dr?ckt aus, dass mir deine Zeit so wertvoll ist wie meine eigene. *Helga Sch?ferling*
zitate zur geburt
Ausdauer wird fr?her oder sp?ter belohnt ? meistens aber sp?ter. *Wilhelm Busch*
Seine eigene Dummheit zu erkennen mag schmerzlich sein. Keinesfalls aber eine Dummheit. *Oliver Hassencamp*
44|Wed Nov 07 02:00:05 +0000 2012|Wer andere zum Lachen bringen kann, muss ernst genommen werden; das wissen alle Machthaber. *Werner Finck*
Liebe ist nicht bijektiv.
If we make a common attempt to improve our education systems, we can educate the coming generations to be more compassionate.
The message of love and compassion will travel far and wide if all
The real source of inner joy is to remain truthful and honest.
A REAL MAN is not defined by how many girlfriends he had. It's by how many girls cried when he said "NO I'm TAKEN and I LOVE her"
And for the briefest instant, it almost feels like we're together again.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
Can't stop thinking about you. ????
Defeat is nothing but education, nothing but the first step to become better.
Don't ever forget who was there for you when no one else was.
Don't say something permanently hurtful, just because you're temporarily upset.
Every single day you should wake up and commit yourself to becoming a better person.
For one minute I wish you could see yourself the way I see you, then you'd know how important you really are to me.
Great love can make a weak man strong, true love can make brave man fall to his knees.
Hug harder, laugh louder, smile bigger, love longer.
I don't hate you, I'm just done with you.
I hate how after an argument I think of all the clever shit I should have said.
I know its hard right now, but you will get through it somehow

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