zitate arbeit

zitate arbeit

zitate arbeit
Hass ist die Rache des Feiglings daf?r, dass er eingesch?chtert ist. *George Bernard Shaw*
zitate arbeit
Die Ehe ist eine wunderbare Erfindung, aber das ist ein Fahrradflickzeugkasten auch. *Billy Connolly*
Liebe ist die einzige Sklaverei, die als Vergn?gen empfunden wird. *George Bernard Shaw*
Die Freunde, die man um vier Uhr morgens anrufen kann, die z?hlen. *Marlene Dietrich*
Liebe ist so komplex, dass ich sie nicht in Betrag und Phase zerlegen kann.
If we have peace of mind, we?ll always feel happy. Deceiving ourselves that money is the source of happiness, we won?t.
The world's major religious traditions all give the development of compassion a key role.
Let us cultivate love and compassion, both of which give true meaning to life.
A real woman can do it on her own, but a real man won't let her.
Another month. Another year. Another smile. Another tear. Another winter and another summer too. But there can never be another you.
Beauty isn't about make up and being thin, beauty is on the inside and being yourself because everyone is beautiful in their own ways.
Care too little, you'll lose them. Care too much, you'll get hurt.
Did you study for the test? Nerd: "All week long" Normal student: "Just a few pages" Me: "WHAT TEST?!"
Don't expect perfection in love; cause love is an imperfect thing.
Don't say you're happy because everything is alright, but be happy because while everything is complicated, you're still doing fine.
Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.
Forget about Romeo and Juliet, forget about Edward and Bella, the perfect love story I want to make is our own, You and I ?
Guys are super attractive when they get protective.
Hurting someone with the truth is better than making them happy with a lie.
I don't have a problem with those who don't like me, but I do have a problem with those who PRETEND to.
I hate how you act like I'm asking for so much, but all I really want is for you to give a fuck about me.
I like being alone, listening to music in my own world, away from all the bullshit in life.

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