zitate alice im wunderland
Thursday, September 3, 2015
zitate alice im wunderland
zitate alice im wunderland Der Beweis von Heldentum liegt nicht im Gewinnen einer Schlacht, sondern im Ertragen einer Niederlage. *David Lloyd George* zitate alice im wunderland W?nsche sind nie klug. Das ist sogar das beste an ihnen. *Charles Dickens* Es gibt nichts Sch?neres, als geliebt zu werden, geliebt um seiner selbst willen oder vielmehr trotz seiner selbst. *Victor Hugo* Weise erdenken neue Gedanken, und Narren verbreiten sie. *Heinrich Heine* Liebe ist...die Person immer sehen zu wollen! Genuine happiness comes from focusing on the happiness of others. Compassion and love give meaning to our activities and makes them constructive. In the biggest sense, environmental education means learning to maintain a balanced way of life. A true friend is someone you can talk about nothing with for hours. Asking something you already know, just to know if they will lie. Being happy does not take any effort. Happiness, after all, is a state of the human mind. Congratulations Manny Pacquiao! #PinoyPride ?? Do you ever feel like you're not friends with some of your friends? Don't judge me based on what you heard. Don't wait. Life goes faster than you think. Everyone in life is gonna hurt you, you just have to figure out which people are worth the pain. Friendship is not about who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you," and proved it. Hard work + Dreams + Dedication = Success I am who I am, your approval isn't needed no matter how much you think it is. I don't need many people in my life to be happy, just a few people who appreciate and love and accept me for who I am. I hate that every time I'm about to give up, you keep giving me reasons to stay. I love hearing a song you can relate to your current situation.
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