zitate spr?che

zitate spr?che

zitate spr?che
Dem st?rksten Willen fehlt oft die Kraft, die einer zarten Emotion selbstverst?ndlich ist. *Elfriede Habl?*
zitate spr?che
Wir brauchen keinen Dritten Weltkrieg. Wir haben Kapitalismus, Kommunismus und Tourismus. *Oliver Hassencamp*
Alle sind Irre; aber wer seinen Wahn zu analysieren versteht, wird Philosoph genannt. *Ambrose Bierce*
502016|Thu Nov 08 05:00:09 +0000 2012|Gehirn: ein Organ, mit dem wir denken, dass wir denken. *Ambrose Bierce*
liebe ist ein Wort mit 3 Vokalen , 2 Konsonanten und 2 Idioten aber eig. nur von sat1 erfunden um kai pflaume unterzubringen
The challenge today is to convince people of the value of truth, honesty, compassion and a concern for others.
Moral ethics are the basis of world peace.
If you have strong compassion, strong respect for others, then forgiveness is much easier.
A real boyfriend: Calls you for nothing, texts you all the time, wants to see you, gets jealous, is overprotective and loves you.
Am I the only one who wakes up then stays in bed for like another hour.
Be with someone who won't stay mad at you, who can't stand not talking to you, and who's afraid of losing you.
Can we just lay here together.
Dear Weekend, Just stay with me forever.
Don't even bother responding to others' negativity. If you let it consume you, it will bring you down. Ignore the negativity.
Don't rush things. Anything worth having is worth waiting for.
Every relationship has its problem but what makes it perfect is when you still want to be there when everything sucks.
For every day, I miss you. For every hour, I need you. For every minute, I feel you. For every second, I want you. Forever, I love you.
Good things take time.
How we used to be is better than what we are now.
I don't forgive people because I'm weak, i forgive them because I'm smart enough to understand that people make mistakes.
I hate fighting with the one person who makes me smile the most
I know he's not perfect in your eyes, but somehow he's flawless in mine. ?

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