zitate gl?ck

zitate gl?ck

zitate gl?ck
Gehe nicht, wohin der Weg f?hren mag, sondern dorthin, wo kein Weg ist, und hinterlasse eine Spur. *Jean Paul*
zitate gl?ck
Das eigentlich charakteristische dieser Welt ist ihre Verg?nglichkeit. *Franz Kafka*
Ein Freund ist ein Mensch, der dir v?llig selbstlos schadet. *Wieslaw Brudzinski*
Drei Dinge helfen, die M?hseligkeiten des Lebens zu tragen: Die Hoffnung, der Schlaf und das Lachen. *Immanuel Kant*
Die Liebe ist manchmal wie ein Papierflieger.
Determination, courage, self-confidence lead to success, but we should always remain humble, modest and unpretentious.
Love gives rise to peace and happiness within us, which we then bring to the world in which we live.
Ethical discipline is the indispensable means for mediating between the competing claims of my right to happiness and others' equal right.
A person doesn't have to be perfect to be exactly what you need.
Always put your fears behind you and your dreams in front of you.
Be the person who stays strong even when you have every reason to break down.
Broken love is the most dangerous love. It will slice you open with every touch
Dear Someone, Do you ever think of me and smile? cause I do it all the time.
Don't compare yourself to others, you are you. No one could come close to being you even if they tried.
Don't practice until you get it right. Practice until you can't get it wrong.
Every girl has that one guy she goes back to, heartbreak after heartbreak, and nobody knows why, not even her. She just can't let go.
First love teaches us what is love, but the last love teaches us what is life.
God won't give you more than you can take. He might let you bend but he won't let you break. ?
How are girls hard to understand? We like Taco Bell, Starbucks, cuddling, compliments, naps, disney movies, yoga pants,and shopping
I don't care how old you are, if you don't respect me I'm not respecting you.
I guess it doesn't matter, it's just another day and whatever meant to happen will eventually come my way.
I just want to cuddle and watch movies with you.

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