zitate jugendweihe

zitate jugendweihe

zitate jugendweihe
Ein Mensch, der f?r nichts zu sterben gewillt ist, verdient nicht zu leben. *Martin Luther King*
zitate jugendweihe
Aufkl?rung ist der Ausgang des Menschen aus seiner sebstverschuldeten Unm?ndigkeit. *Immanuel Kant*
Die Wahrheit ist zu schlau, um gefangen zu werden. *Wilhelm Busch*
Mit dem Geist ist es wie mit dem Magen: Man kann ihm nur Dinge zumuten, die er verdauen kann. *Winston Churchill*
: Wenn man auch ohne zu fragen wei?, dass der andere einen jetzt braucht. ?
Many of our world's problems and conflicts arise because we have lost sight of the basic humanity that binds us together as a human family.
Developing altruism is one of the most powerful methods for countering negative tendencies and destructive impulses.
Determination, courage, self-confidence are keys to success. In all circumstances, we should remain humble, modest and without pride.
A true relationship is when you can tell each other anything and everything. No secrets and no lies. ?
At the end of the day, it's always you.
Being nice to those you don't particularly like is not being two-faced, it's called growing up.
Crush, Could today be the day I see that smile of yours?
do you ever talk to someone and feel really happy no matter how shit the conversation is?
Don't judge people until you truly know them. The truth might surprise you.
Don't worry about failure. Worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try.
Everyone tells you that you deserve better but no one is willing to give it to you.
From strangers to friends. From friends to best friends. From best friends to lovers. From lovers to ex. From ex to strangers with memories.
Haters: The lower they sink, the higher you rise. Never, ever stoop to their level.
I bet you miss him. I didn't mention a name, but you automatically thought about him.
I don't stalk, I'm just curious.
I hate that ''what if'' feeling.
I love my family and friends, without them I'd be nothing.

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