zitate ruhestand

zitate ruhestand

zitate ruhestand
Suche nicht die gro?en Worte, eine kleine Geste gen?gt. *Phil Bosmans*
zitate ruhestand
Es ist besser hohe Grunds?tze zu haben, die man befolgt, als noch h?here, die man au?er acht l?sst. *Albert Schweitzer*
Von den Schlechten verlacht zu werden ist fast schon ein Lob. *Erasmus von Rotterdam*
Steigerung des Luxus: eigenes Auto, eigene Villa, eigene Meinung. *Wieslaw Brudzinski*
Ein guter Rat ist nur ein guter Rat f?r den, der ihn braucht. *Bill Cosby*
We have to try to solve local problems keeping global interests in mind.
Cultivating inner awareness, introspection and reasoning can be more effective than meditation and prayer.
A sense of concern for others' well-being brings inner strength and self confidence.
A good friend can't fix all your problems, but they can promise you won't face them alone.
All I want is for you to listen to me and to show me you care.
Be happy, not because everything is good, but because you can see the good in everything.
Best friends make the good times better and the hard times easier.
Dear God, please let me do my best for my exam tommorow.
Don't assume my tweets are about you. But if you're affected by them, then that obviously means you're guilty of something.
Don't let the way you feel determine how you treat someone. Always treat people with kindness.
Enjoy who you are. Don?t hate yourself for what you aren?t.
Fake friends will laugh at your problems but best friends will cry with you.
Give her your hoodie when she's cold then hug her. She'll love it. ??
Here's to that one friend that eats like an elephant and never gains weight. I SECRETLY HATE YOU.
I cheated on my fears, broke up with my doubts, got engaged to my faith and now I'm marrying my dreams.
I feel so stupid when I text you and you never reply back.
I have a talent for only attracting people I have no interest in dating.

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