zitate neuanfang
Thursday, September 3, 2015
zitate neuanfang
zitate neuanfang Wenn du eine weise Antwort verlangst, musst du vern?nftig fragen. *Johann Wolfgang von Goethe* zitate neuanfang Das gute Beispiel ist nicht eine M?glichkeit, andere Menschen zu beeinflussen, es ist die einzige. *Albert Schweitzer* Habe Mut, dich deines eigenen Verstandes zu bedienen. *Immanuel Kant* Man empfindet es oft als ungerecht, dass Menschen, die Stroh im Kopf haben, auch noch Geld wie Heu besitzen. *Gerhard Uhlenbruck* Es h?ngt von dir selbst ab, ob du das neue Jahr als Bremse oder als Motor benutzen willst. *Henry Ford* We have to build a better, more equal world through peace and non-violence. In today's deeply interdependent world, war is outdated and illogical. All the major religious traditions carry the message of love, compassion and forgiveness. A good boyfriend: - knows you - trusts you - loves you - respects you - honors you - supports you - wants you - appreciates you All I want is for a guy to say "I'll protect you", even though he's knows I can do it perfectly well on my own. Be happy with what you have while working for what you want. Best friends don't let you do stupid things.....alone. Dear God, no matter what is going on in my life I thank you for the privilege of being alive today. Don't assume my tweets are about you. But if you?re affected by them, you're obviously guilty of something. Don't let the opinions of others consume you. Enjoy unlimited calls/texts, FREE FB & Twitter plus 15mb data & more for only P25 with our strongest #SmartUnli25! Text UNLI25 to 6406 now! Fake friends tell me what I want to hear but real friends aren't afraid to tell me what I don't want to hear. Give her attention, or she'll get it somewhere else. Here's the truth about the truth : It hurts. So... we lie. I cared, you didn't. I cried, you laughed. I was hurt, you smiled. I moved on, you realized. Too late. I feel so far away from the one I wish to hold in my arms. I have a lot of memories that I wish I could delete and a lot that I wish could happen again.
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