zitate gl?ck

zitate gl?ck

zitate gl?ck
Vertraue nur dir selbst, wenn andere an dir zweifeln, aber nimm ihnen ihre Zweifel nicht ?bel. *Joseph Rudyard Kipling*
zitate gl?ck
Holzhacken ist deshalb so beliebt, weil man bei dieser T?tigkeit den Erfolg sofort sieht. *Albert Einstein*
Auge um Auge - und die ganze Welt wird blind sein. *Mahatma Gandhi*
Nur der Denkende erlebt sein Leben, an Gedankenlosen zieht es vorbei. *Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach*
Jedenfalls ist es besser, ein eckiges Etwas zu sein als ein rundes Nichts. *Friedrich Hebbel*
Wenn er dir auch mit den einfachsten Worten die Welt erkl?ren kann. ?
The best way of fulfilling your own interest is to take care of others.
We cannot be loving and compassionate unless at the same time we curb our own harmful impulses and desires.
A bad mistake becomes a good lesson if you choose to learn from it.
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
At this point I don't even care. I'm just going with the flow. Whatever happens, happens.
Being replaced? I swear that hurts more than the breakup.
Cry as hard as you want to. But always make sure: when you stop crying, you?ll never cry for the same reason again.
Do you ever wonder what your life looks like through someone else's eyes?
Don't judge someone's choices if you don't understand their reasons.
Don't worry about me or what I do. This is my life not yours.
Everyone wants the truth but nobody wants to be honest.
Get busy doing the things you love and your destiny will find you.
Have a nice life. I'm done trying to be in it.
I can always take care of myself, but I still want to meet a person who can take care of me, much more than I do.
I don't think myself as a special person, perhaps I would categorize myself as limited edition.
I hate the fact that you ignore me for so long, then you start talking to me like nothing happened.

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