zitate von goethe

zitate von goethe

zitate von goethe
Das einzige Mittel, den Irrtum zu vermeiden, ist die Unwissenheit. *Jean-Jacques Rousseau*
zitate von goethe
Wer nicht zufrieden ist mit dem, was er hat, der w?re auch nicht zufrieden mit dem, was er haben m?chte. *Berthold Auerbach*
Glaube denen, die die Wahrheit suchen, und zweifle an denen, die sie gefunden haben. *Andr? Gide*
Ich wei? nicht immer, wovon ich rede. Aber ich wei?, dass ich recht habe. *Muhammad Ali*
Wunder stehen nicht im Gegensatz zur Natur, sondern nur im Gegensatz zu dem, was wir ?ber die Natur wissen. *St. Augustin*
When you are concerned for the welfare of others, bullying and exploitation cease.
If the twentieth century was a century of violence, let us make the twenty-first a century of dialogue.
In human relations, compassion contributes to promoting peace and harmony.
A guy blowing up a girls phone with cute stuff when she's asleep will never get old.
All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.
Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
Best Relationship: Talk like bestfriends, play like children, argue like husband and wife, protect each other like brother and sister.
Dear God, you're my every hope, every strength, every reason to live, thank you for always being with me.
Don't be afraid to change. You may lose something good, but you may gain something even better.
Don't let your fear of the past affect the presence of your future. Live for what tomorrow has to bring, not what yesterday has taken away.
Even if waiting could take so long, true love will take you places where you really belong. ?
Family : (F)ather (A)nd (M)other (I) (L)ove (Y)ou.
Give without remembering and receive without forgetting.
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I cry because no words can explain exactly how I feel.
I fell in love with you, I don't know how, I don't know when, I don't know where... but I did.
I have to move on and be who I am.

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