zitate verliebt

zitate verliebt

zitate verliebt
Ein bisschen Freundschaft ist mir mehr wert als die Bewunderung der ganzen Welt. *Otto von Bismarck*
zitate verliebt
Bescheiden k?nnen nur die Menschen sein, die genug Selbstbewusstsein haben. *Gabriel Laub*
Dumme Gedanken hat jeder, aber der Weise verschweigt sie. *Wilhelm Busch*
Freundschaft, das ist eine Seele in zwei K?rpern. *Aristoteles*
"Die Liebe ist, wie das Bl?mchen, auf der Wiese, der Loyalit?t." ~Zettelbotschaften
Friends are made on the basis of trust and trust only grows if you are kind to people.
Compassion, along with love, is the face of altruism.
Whatever we do for others, whatever sacrifices we make, it should be voluntary and arise from understanding the benefit of such actions.
A morning text doesn't only mean "good morning." It also means "I think about you when I wake up"
Always focus on the positive.
Be thankful for the bad things in life. They open your eyes to see the good things you weren't paying attention to before.
Boys who smell good are automatically more attractive. ?????
Dear phone, I do not like this game of hide and seek. Sincerely very annoyed teenager.
Don't change yourself just to make someone love you, be yourself & let the right one fall for you.
Don't make time for people who can't make time for you.
Every day, I think about texting you but then, I think "if you really wanted to talk to me, you'd text me first.
Find someone who can change your life not just your relationship status.
God is the best listener. You don't need to shout nor cry out loud because he hears even the very silent prayer of a sincere heart.
Honestly, I would rather hear a guy say, "I made plans for us." Instead of the usual, "I don't know, it's whatever you wanna do.
I don't argue. I just explain why I'm right, in a loud angry tone.
I get sad. I get jealous. I get lonely. I overreact. I make mistakes but I promise I will always give you my best.
I just want a relationship where you can lay with each other & just talk about anything and everything.

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