zitate sch?nheit
Thursday, September 3, 2015
zitate sch?nheit
zitate sch?nheit Die Menschheit ist zu weit vorw?rts gegangen, um sich zur?ckzuwenden und bewegt sich zu rasch, um anzuhalten. *Winston Churchill* zitate sch?nheit Es ist nichts schrecklicher als eine t?tige Unwissenheit. *Johann Wolfgang von Goethe* Wenn ?ber das Grunds?tzliche keine Einigkeit besteht, ist es sinnlos, miteinander Pl?ne zu machen. *Konfuzius* Wenn einem die Treue Spa? macht, dann ist es Liebe. *Julie Andrews* Ohne schlechte Menschen g?be es keine guten Anw?lte. *Charles Dickens* The greatest threat we face today is violence. The creation of a more peaceful and happier society has to begin from the level of the individual. Only the inner protection of patience can keep us from experiencing the turmoil of negative thoughts and emotions. A jealous girlfriend is a faithful girlfriend, you should worry if she doesn't care. All you really need in life is good food and wifi. Be strong and smile at life even though it hurts sometimes. Biggest regret is defending someone for so long thinking they're different but then slowly realizing they're exactly how others say they are Dear ladies, the only time it's okay to be skeleton skinny is when you're dead. Eat the damn cookie and enjoy it! Don't be scared of risk, this is all temporary. You might as well push to be the best and make the most of it while you can. Don't look at what others have and be jealous. Just let it motivate you to be better. Whatever you want, you can get. Envy gets you nowhere. Even the strongest feeling expires when ignored Feelings that come back are feelings that never went away in the first place. Go ahead and doubt me. I promise I'll prove you wrong. Hold on to whatever keeps you happy. I distance myself from people for a reason. I fucking hate the feeling when you have to say goodbye to someone you want to spend every minute with. I just hate that feeling in the morning when I'm so sleepy and but I have to force my self to wake up early for school.
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