zitate online

zitate online

zitate online
Fordere viel von dir selbst und erwarte wenig von den anderen. So wird dir ?rger erspart bleiben. *Konfuzius*
zitate online
Talente finden L?sungen, Genies entdecken Probleme. *Hans Krailsheimer*
Wenn du die Absicht hast, dich zu erneuern, tu es jeden Tag. *Konfuzius*
In Wirklichkeit erkennen wir nichts; denn die Wahrheit liegt in der Tiefe. *Demokrit*
Zyniker: einer, der den Glauben an das B?se im Menschen noch nicht verloren hat. *Ron Kritzfeld*
Ask yourselves now and then, "How can I contribute to human beings being happier and more at peace?"
It is vital that our younger generations, the guardians of our future, develop strong awareness concerning the futility of war.
Developing a sense of universal responsibility helps us to become sensitive to all others, not just those closest to us.
A little jealousy in a relationship is healthy because it just means that someone is afraid to lose you.
Always be there for the person who is always there for you.
Be strong when things are falling apart.
Boy: "Ever wondered why you have spaces between your fingers?" Girl: "Why?" Boy: "So my fingers can fit there."
Dear Mom and Dad, no matter what happens, no matter what I go through, please remember I'll never stop loving you.
Don't blame people for disappointing you...blame yourself for expecting too much from them.
Don't lose yourself trying to love someone.
Ever since I've met you, the stars in my sky has brightened up. Maybe you could ever understand. ?
Fight to keep the people in your life that you know should be there. Don't worry about people that don't matter. Let them go.
God can easily change the worst into the best. For you, it's impossible. For God, it's simple.
Home is where I can look and feel ugly, and enjoy it.
I don?t care if our conversations get a little boring & we run out of things to say, i?m just happy i?m talking to you.
I get jealous even if we're not dating.
I just really love it when you text me first.

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