zitate nietzsche

zitate nietzsche

zitate nietzsche
Denken ist schwer, darum urteilen die meisten. *Carl Gustav Jung*
zitate nietzsche
Pers?nlichkeiten werden nicht durch sch?ne Reden geformt, sondern durch Arbeit und eigene Leistung. *Albert Einstein*
Auch aus Steinen, die dir in den Weg gelegt werden, kannst du etwas Sch?nes bauen. *Erich K?stner*
Es gibt nur eins, was auf Dauer teurer ist als Bildung, keine Bildung. *John F. Kennedy*
Es ist besser, ein einziges kleines Licht anzuz?nden, als die Dunkelheit zu verfluchen. *Konfuzius*
We need cooperation based on trust and self-confidence to create an open, compassionate, harmonious society.
The human capacity to care for others isn?t something trivial or something to be taken for granted. Rather it is something we should cherish
True compassion brings with it the dispelling of internal tensions, a state of calmness and serenity.
A good relationship is a give and take from both people, a bad relationship is one person giving and the other one taking.
All I'm saying is, real feelings don't just disappear.
Be happy. Be who you want to be. If others don't like it, then let them be. Happiness is a choice. Life isn't about pleasing everybody.
Best relationship advice: Don't do anything you wouldn't want your boyfriend/girlfriend to do.
Dear God, Thanks for making me stronger to face all my problems, you're the source of my power.
Don't base your relationship decisions off of the advice of people who don't have to live with the results!
Don't let who you're with change who you are.
Evaluate the people in your life. Not everyone is meant to stay.
Fall in love with someone who deserves your heart. Not someone who plays with it.
Give me just one reason to stay and I will.
He's not perfect, but he's all I want.
I could be locked in a room with no tv, phone, or internet access and I'd probably still not do my homework.
I fell for you, so hard.
I have no motivation to do anything anymore. I wish I could just stay in bed and sleep for like two months..

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