zitate familie
Thursday, September 3, 2015
zitate familie
zitate familie Schlagfertigkeit ist etwas, worauf man erst 24 Stunden sp?ter kommt. *Mark Twain* zitate familie Der verlorenste aller Tage ist der, an dem man nicht gelacht hat. *Nicolas Chamfort* Wer sich zu gro? f?hlt, um kleine Aufgaben zu erf?llen, ist zu klein, um mit gro?en Aufgaben betraut zu werden. *Jacques Tati* Angst ist f?r die Seele ebenso gesund wie ein Bad f?r den K?rper. *Maksim Gorki* Nicht wer wenig hat, sondern wer viel w?nscht, ist arm. *Lucius Annaeus Seneca* Compassion is a source of happiness, while self-centerdness can lead ultimately to violence. We need to relate to each other out of compassion, with a sense of connection to each other and a deep recognition of our common humanity. When we are motivated by wisdom and compassion, the results of our actions benefit everyone. A billion feelings, a thousand thoughts, hundreds of memories, all for that one person. ? Accept the past, just manage the present, and work hard towards the future. Bad things are always gonna happen in life. People will hurt you. But you can't use that as an excuse to hurt someone back. Being single is not necessarily a bad thing. It is much better than being in an unhealthy relationship with the wrong person. Cuddling with you would be perfect right now. Doing the best this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment. Don't just wait for things to happen. Make things happen. Don't worry, everything in the end will be okay, and if it's not okay...then it's not the end. Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choice. Girl: "Hey, whats up?" Boy: "If I tell you, will you sit on it?" Have you ever thought how the hell did donkey from "Shrek" get that dragon pregnant? I can delete you from facebook and block you on twitter but I can't delete memories or block you from my heart. I don't understand.. how someone can tell so many lies & never feel bad about it. I hate this feeling of not knowing what you're feeling.
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