zitate erfolg

zitate erfolg

zitate erfolg
Wer aufh?rt, besser werden zu wollen, h?rt auf, gut zu sein. *Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach*
zitate erfolg
Erfahrung hei?t gar nichts. Man kann seine Sache auch 35 Jahre schlecht machen. *Kurt Tucholsky*
Mit dem Wissen w?chst der Zweifel. *Johann Wolfgang von Goethe*
Nicht die Vollkommenen, sondern die Unvollkommenen brauchen unsere Liebe. *Oscar Wilde*
Es gibt Leute, die glauben, alles w?re vern?nftig, was man mit einem ernsthaften Gesicht tut. *Georg Christoph Lichtenberg*
Concern for others is not just a matter of religious practice; it?s a practical step towards creating a happy society.
Anger destroys our peace of mind and our physical health. We shouldn?t welcome it or think of it as natural or as a friend.
We need a genuine sense of responsibility and a sincere concern for the welfare of others.
A boy is only insecure about losing his girl when he knows someone else can treat her better.
Accept the past, manage the present, and work hard towards the future.
Bad times make you appreciate the good times.
Being single means you're taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with.
Current mood: want to cuddle ??
Don?t chase people. Be you, do your own thing and work hard. The right people who belong in your life will come to you, and stay..
Don't keep crying because of a mistake. Learn from it and move on. Stop blaming yourself over things you have no control over.
Don't worry, just breathe. If it's meant to be, it will find it's way.
Everything is going to be alright, maybe not today, but eventually.
Girl?s eyebrows nowadays look like Nike signs..
Have you met my boyfriend yet? Yeah, me neither.
I can live without you. I can live without you... I can't live without you!
I don't want a perfect person. I just want someone to act silly with and treats me well.
I hate those moments where I know something isn't right, but I don't know what went wrong.

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