zitate danke

zitate danke

zitate danke
Solange man selbst redet, erf?hrt man nichts. *Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach*
zitate danke
Der Verstand kann uns sagen, was wir unterlassen sollen. Aber das Herz kann uns sagen, was wir tun m?ssen. *Joseph Joubert*
Mensch: das einzige Lebewesen, das err?ten kann. Es ist aber auch das einzige was Grund dazu hat. *Mark Twain*
Es gibt kein Wunder f?r den, der sich nicht wundern kann. *Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach*
Der Traum ist der beste Beweis daf?r, dass wir nicht so fest in unsere Haut eingeschlossen sind, als es scheint. *Friedrich Hebbel*
To cultivate genuine compassion we need to take responsibility for our own care and have concern for everyone's suffering, including our own
The best tribute to honor and remember V?clav Havel is to work as best we can towards building a more peaceful, open and just world.
Compassion belongs to every sphere of activity, including, of course, the workplace.
A hug means "I need you". A kiss means "I love you". And a call means "I miss you".
All we can do is learn from the past and make peace with it.
Be selective in your battles, sometimes peace is better than being right.
Better to be told the truth and hurt for a moment then to be told what you want to hear and hurt forever.
Dear holiday, I need you more.
Don't be mad because I left, be mad because you pushed me away.
Don't lie, don't cheat, and don't make promises that you can't keep.
Even if you're the reason why I am moody and sad, you're still the reason why I always laugh and smile.
Feelings don't walk away, people do.
Giving up on something does not always mean your weak. It sometimes means that your simply just strong enough to let go.
Hit me. Get hurt. Hit my Best friend. YOU DIE!
I didn't expect to get this attached to you. ??
I forgive a lot, but I never forget what's said and done.
I just don't know if I want to do it anymore.. get close to somebody so they can leave again.

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