k.i.z zitate
Thursday, September 3, 2015
k.i.z zitate
k.i.z zitate Mit zwanzig regiert der Wille, mit drei?ig der Verstand und mit vierzig das Urteilsverm?gen. *Benjamin Franklin* k.i.z zitate Die Freiheit besteht in erster Linie nicht aus Privilegien, sondern aus Pflichten. *Albert Camus* Mit Humor kann man Frauen am leichtesten verf?hren, denn die meisten Frauen lachen gerne, bevor sie anfangen zu k?ssen. *Jerry Lewis* Wenn man Liebe nicht bedingungslos geben und nehmen kann, ist es keine Liebe, sondern ein Handel. *Emma Goldman* Die Liebe ?berwindet den Tod, aber es kommt vor, dass eine kleine ?ble Gewohnheit die Liebe ?berwindet. *Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach* In order to derive the maximum benefit the wise thing is take care of others. Patience guards us against losing our presence of mind so we can remain undisturbed, even when the situation is really difficult. Awareness of impermanence and appreciation of our human potential will give us a sense of urgency that we must use every precious moment. A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying. Actions speak much louder than words. Be careful what you say to people because only some actually care, most people are just curious. Believe in yourself. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle you face. Dear brain, do I have to remind you what you're supposed to do at night? It's called sleep. All you have to do is shut the hell up! Don?t talk, act. Dont say, show. Dont promise, prove. Don't let it break you. No matter how hard it gets, life goes on. Dreams don't work unless you do. Expecting too much is one way of hurting yourself. Girl's Language: Go away = Don't go. I hate you = I love you. I'm fine = I'm not okay. He gave me life. He gave me great family. He gave me best friends. He gave me everything that I need. I'm so thankful, God. I cant let go because you've given me to hold on to. I don't want to miss you but I still do and don't know why. I hate when people bring up mistakes you made a long time ago, over and over again.
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